
Defensive Gunning 7/19/20

July 21, 2020

Shooters Ready!

Sixteen shooters spent a Sunday morning challenging themselves on five different stages, testing speed and accuracy, with defensive handguns and pistol caliber carbines (PCC’s). 


Stage one was fast and close, with the fastest time clocking in sub 15 seconds by Rick for 10 targets and at least 15 shots.  The second and third stages were identical and a modification of a stage from last month, requiring plenty of movement and safe gun handling.  Ahmod smoked these stages, leading both with his PCC, closely followed by Dean, Rick and Ron.


Dean showed his speed on the fourth and longest stage of the match.  With his PCC he moved through the four firing positions quickly, including the moving target activated by a popper.  Ron was first with a handgun followed closely by Neil.  The final stage was a shortened version of stage #4 with three targets added.  Rick smoked through this stage on his way for the overall pistol honors.  Ahmod followed and took top shot for PCC’s.  The top four shooters at this stage were covered by only two seconds.


We had some new shooters for the event who did great and most importantly everyone was safe.  Sorry, I was busy helping with the match so not able to capture any images for this event but hope to upload a video or two soon.


Pistol Caliber Carbine

#1       Ahmod

#2       Dean

#3       Leslie



#1       Rick

#2       Kevin

#3       Ron (only .21 seconds behind!)

#4       Neil (less than 3 seconds behind)

#5       Will